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Here you can find different resources such as manuals, guides, reports and other very useful tools for your Entrepreneurship related to Edible Insects.


The world population will reach 9.7 billion in 2050, which will drive a higher demand for protein. The world will need to produce more protein for the future in a more sustainable way and from a variety of sources, not only to meet global demand, but also the changing dietary patterns of modern health and health and ethical conscientious consumers.


Insects have been a part of many diets around the world for millennia, including the diet of the indigenous peoples of Australia. Edible insects have a promising future, if not necessary, to diversify our diet in the future.


This report explores the potential of edible insects as an alternative protein source in the Australian context by presenting a detailed and comprehensive plan for this emerging industry. Alternative protein industries could play an important role in Australia by contributing to regional and national prosperity, and will be instrumental in meeting changing global food demands. Professor Michelle Colgrave Leader of 'Future Protein Mission' CSIRO

The world population will reach 9.7 billion in 2050, which will drive a higher demand for protein. The world will need to produce more protein for the future in a more sustainable way and from a variety of sources, not only to meet global demand, but also the changing dietary patterns of modern health and health and ethical conscientious consumers.


Insects have been a part of many diets around the world for millennia, including the diet of the indigenous peoples of Australia. Edible insects have a promising future, if not necessary, to diversify our diet in the future.


This report explores the potential of edible insects as an alternative protein source in the Australian context by presenting a detailed and comprehensive plan for this emerging industry. Alternative protein industries could play an important role in Australia by contributing to regional and national prosperity, and will be instrumental in meeting changing global food demands. Professor Michelle Colgrave Leader of 'Future Protein Mission' CSIRO

Asociaciones de Insectos Comestibles en el Mundo

A continuación listamos las principales asociaciones que apoyan la Entomofagia y la Industria de los Insectos Comestibles en el Mundo:









Si conoces otra asociación o agrupación que apoye o promueva el sector de los Insectos Comestibles, por favor avísanos para incluirlo en este listado.


El objetivo de esta investigación es dar a conocer la viabilidad de utilizar el tratamiento H. illucens para el manejo y aprovechamiento de la porcinaza, los residuos de mortalidad y las placentas de cerdos.

Updated information on the #edible insects sector.

Free and free access.

All bibliography was retrieved from public sites.

We officially start the channel to share experiences in the production of crickets!

I invite you to come and see the content, we will be talking about technical problems in cricket farms, ideas to solve them, new technologies, inventions and many more!

The APRENDE Platform of the Carlos Slim Foundation, has available the Training Course: Cricket Producer.


In this training you will obtain the basic tools that will allow you to create a cricket farm for human consumption.


In this way, you will obtain a new source of income and at the same time you will help to guarantee the food security of your community.

¡Iniciamos oficialmente el canal para compartir experiencias en la producción de grillos!Los invito a que pasen a ver el contenido, estaremos hablando de problemáticas técnicas en las granjas de grillos, ideas para resolverlas, nuevas tecnologías, invenciones y muchos más!

While the consumption of insects by humans or entomophagy has been traditionally practiced in various countries for generations and represents a common dietary component of several animal species (birds, fish, mammals), the cultivation of insects for human consumption and animal is relatively recent. The production of these "mini-cattle" brings with it several benefits and potential challenges. The purpose of this document is to provide the reader with an overview of the various food safety issues that could be associated with edible insects. The intended audience for this publication is food safety professionals, policy makers, researchers, insect producers, and consumers. Regulatory frameworks governing the production, trade, and consumption of insects in various regions are discussed. The paper ends by clarifying some other important challenges, such as consumer acceptance and increased production, that the edible insect industry should overcome to become more global in scope.

An approach to the Black Soldier Fly (MSN) or Black Soldier Fly (BSF). In this FREE webinar we will talk for 1 hour about the use of the larvae of the soldier fly Hermetia Illucens as a source of protein in animal feed. Get ready for a webinar in which many of your doubts will be answered, and where you can participate in a private session of open questions.

The general objective of the Guide is to help producers of edible insects for human and animal consumption, to achieve a high level of consumer protection and animal health through the production of safe products. To this end, the Guide provides guidance to insect producers to effectively implement EU legislation on food and feed safety and other related EU requirements (e.g. food labeling requirements and feed, EU animal by-products and TSE legislation), while providing them with an incentive to develop a robust food and feed safety management system.

A practical manual for farmers and inspectors

This book assesses the potential of insects as food and feed and collects existing information and research on edible insects. The assessment is based on the most recent and comprehensive data available from various sources and experts around the world.

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